Take charge of programmatic advertising your way with UMG adtech solutions.

Your programmatic journey, your rules

Take charge of programmatic advertising your way with UMG adtech solutions.
Your programmatic journey, your rules
Trusted by
AI-Driven optimization
Leveraging artificial intelligence algorithms, we optimize ad placements and media buying costs, enabling you to achieve your clients' key performance indicators (KPIs).
Human-centric service
Access premium ad inventory & reach your target audience with advanced targeting options across devices. Deliver your ad creatives to the relevant users on mobile, desktop, video, in-app, and more, and forget about wasted ad spends & discrepancy
Flexible collaboration options
Select the collaboration model that best suits your needs — whether it’s self-service or full-service — with no minimum payments or rigid commitments required.
Wide reach and scale
We provide access to multiple ad exchanges, supply-side platforms (SSPs), and publishers, offering a vast inventory of ad placements across various geo, websites, apps, and digital platforms. This extensive reach allows advertisers to expand their campaign reach and connect with their target audience on a large scale.
Advanced reporting and analytics
We make you life easier with detailed reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing advertisers to gain deep insights into their campaign performance. You gain access to metrics such as impressions, clicks, viewability, etc, helping to measure the success of your campaigns, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
Campaign optimization and control
Enjoy robust tools and features to monitor, track, and optimize ad campaigns in real-time. You can adjust bidding strategies, budgets, and targeting parameters based on performance data to achieve your campaign objectives. We also offer control over ad frequency, pacing, and creative rotation, allowing advertisers to fine-tune your campaigns for optimal results.
uDSP Benefits unleashed
Diverse inventory across geographies, platforms, and premium publishers
Direct Settlement with DMP. Pay only the actual DMP cost with no additional markup.
Pricing models: CPM (Cost Per Mille), CPV (Cost Per View)
Flexible payment options. Optimize your spending, align payments with revenue
New business opportunities
Launch within a day
We provide training according to your request
Personal manager is always available
Why choose us
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
Frequently asked questions