We help agencies and brands plan, execute, and optimize high-performing ad campaigns with engaging Machine learning algorithms and advanced targeting capabilities.

Attract potential customers using Machine Learning

We assist agencies and brands in planning, executing, and optimizing successful ad campaigns using engaging ML algorithms and advanced targeting.
Attract potential customers
Hyper-target your ad campaigns across multiple promotion channels
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Cross-channel ad serving
Access premium ad inventory & reach your target audience with advanced targeting options across devices. Deliver your ad creatives to the relevant users on mobile, desktop, video, in-app, and more, and forget about wasted ad spends & discrepancy
Automated machine learning optimization
Get the complete real-time overview of your performance with just a few clicks and find insights that will help your business grow. uDSP. io algorithms help you optimize CTR, VTR & CPM with to meet your desired KPIs
Brand Safety, antifraud
Keep your reputation safe with uDSP. io or integrated 3rd party platforms, such as Adloox
Service powered by people
Guided onboarding and prompt troubleshooting. Full-service setup, operations and optimization by a dedicated manager. We provide comprehensive training and educational materials for self-service clients.
Ready-to-use technology
Save your time and money — use our ready-to-go technology for building a profitable DSP. Create your own Demand-Side Platform in a day, customize it from top to bottom, and create self-serve accounts for your demand partners to buy traffic programmatically.
Platform features
Our permanent partners
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Learn about platform and campaign basics, audience targeting, optimization, omnichannel engagement, insights, and analytics with our experts.
Learn about platform and campaign basics, audience targeting, optimization, omnichannel engagement, insights, and analytics with our experts.
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Detailed introduction to the UMG product ecosystem
Detailed introduction to the UMG product ecosystem
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Expert insights, tips, and updates on web development and digital marketing.
Expert insights, tips, and updates on web development and digital marketing.
Celebrated in the industry
in the industry
Attention of users — new oil. How to get around the competition and keep it?
AdTech company Union Media Group joined IAB Russia
Programmatic ads under your control — a dream or a reality?
How to quickly monetize a new social network (using the example of TenChat)
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
We'll help you achieve your growth goals
Frequently asked questions